AMC Tool: the antimicrobial consumption tool

Latest version

AMC Tool 2019 v1.9.0

The latest version of AMC Tool is 2019 v1.9.0 and includes the 2019 version of the ATC/DDD index.

Download for windows

On windows PC, it is the preferred option to install AMC Tool as it integrates the programme in the desktop environment, e.g. it provides a shortcut in the "start" menu, it can be uninstalled using windows. However, the windows installer programme requires administrator rights on the computer. If you don't have them or are not allowed to install a programme, you can use the link below which does not require these rights.

The installers come in two version, please use the 32 bit installer for 32 bit version of windows and the 32 bit installer for the 64 bit version of windows.

The windows compressed archive does not require administrative rights on the computer.
Open the compressed archive using the 7-zip tool ( Extract the files under a folder on your computer (might also be on a usb stick).
Launch AMC Tool by double clicking on the "amctool.exe" programme in the newly created folder.

Source download

The code source of the AMC Tool programme.

AMC Tool data template download

This template can be used to fill in the antimicrobial consumption data in advance. AMC Tool can read any file using this format and process all the data it contains.

The new format includes an additional column for fixed dose combination. It is not compatible with older version of AMC Tool!

The template for older version of AMC Tool can be found below

This is the file format to be used in the UK, US or any English speaking country. It uses the comma as field separator and the dot as decimal separator.

This is the file format to be used in non-English speaking country. It uses the semicolon as field separator and the comma as decimal separator.

Older version

AMC Tool 2015 v1.5.1

Download for windows

On windows PC, it is the preferred option to install AMC Tool as it integrates the programme in the desktop environment, e.g. it provides a shortcut in the "start" menu, it can be uninstalled using windows. However, the windows installer programme requires administrator rights on the computer. If you don't have them or are not allowed to install a programme, you can use the link below which does not require these rights.

The windows compressed archive does not require administrative rights on the computer.
Open the compressed archive using the 7-zip tool ( Extract the files under a folder on your computer (might also be on a usb stick).
Launch AMC Tool by double clicking on the "amctool.exe" programme in the newly created folder.

Source download

The code source of the AMC Tool programme.

AMC Tool data template download

This template can be used to fill in the antimicrobial consumption data in advance. AMC Tool can read any file using this format and process all the data it contains.
This template is compatible with version 1.5.1 and older.

The template for newer version of AMC Tool can be found above

This is the file format to be used in the UK, US or any English speaking country. It uses the comma as field separator and the dot as decimal separator.

This is the file format to be used in non-English speaking country. It uses the semicolon as field separator and the comma as decimal separator.

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